When it comes to the environment, it is wrong to believe that leaving the task to others will improve the fate of our planet.
Every action counts and everyone must do their part. It is time to show leadership and take concrete initiatives. Individually, but also collectively.
At Ekinox, our community is at the centre of our reflections, and we are ready to do our part. As of September 21, 2021, we now are the first carbon neutral physiotherapy clinic in Quebec. Be more active and move better, for the health of our planet.
We are committed to improving the impacts of our daily lives on the climate and thus reducing our carbon footprint. Become active players of positive change.
We must all be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Be aware of our impact. Be proactive. Walk more. Walk or bike to work. Once a week. More if you have to!
Consume better and reduce our waste. Reduce the use of single-use items. Encourage what is reusable and also, of course, buy local.
Fruits and vegetables grown in the region. They are good for the environment. They are good for our health. Everyone wins. There is no need to travel thousands of kilometers to bring an apple to our region. Let’s take a bite out of what Vaudreuil-Soulanges has to offer.
The ecological footprint we leave is part of the choices we make. To leave a healthy planet to our children, to future generations, let’s try to do our part.
Maillon Vert accompanies us in this sustainable and beneficial process. Becoming eco-responsible is an individual achievement that is part of a team effort. A collective responsibility. Each of us must take advantage of the rewarding experiences of others to become better.
And by starting the Eco+Responsible ClinicTM journey, which brings the best practices to the entire organization, we at Ekinox hope to inspire the rehabilitation community to follow the same path and make a difference. Being a vector of well-being in our community also involves the environment.
Follow us on this adventure that will allow us to live, breathe and feel good in a healthier society. Because every action counts. To be well.