
Acupuncture, a thousand-year-old practice of Chinese medicine, is now practiced throughout the world.
Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment option with a scientific and clinical foundation to improve health and relieve pain.
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image Acupuncture
What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture, a thousand-year-old practice of Chinese medicine, is now practiced throughout the world. Although it was originally a natural, empirical science, acupuncture is now supported by extensive scientific research. Acupuncture is therefore a safe and effective treatment option with a scientific and clinical foundation.

In traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is an energetic medicine that assumes the existence of a vital energy, called Qi, that circulates in the body in an orderly fashion through channels called meridians. This energy can be stimulated through certain areas on the body called acupuncture points. Recent research has shown that almost all acupuncture points are associated with nerves and have physical and biological properties that can be used to help the body self-regulate and promote healing.

The practice of acupuncture is any act of stimulation, usually by means of needles, of specific sites on the skin, mucous membranes or subcutaneous tissues of the human body for the purpose of improving health or relieving pain.


What happens during an acupuncture appointment?

Acupuncture is a holistic medicine, it considers the individual as a whole with their strengths and weaknesses (the so-called terrain) and takes into account their living conditions. This medicine does not only look for the symptoms but rather for the cause of the imbalance and treats the problem at the source.

The first session is therefore dedicated to the establishment of the energy balance from which the orientation of the treatment is derived according to your reality and your terrain. 

Then we move on to the treatment. All acupuncture points are disinfected with alcohol. Most of the acupuncture points can be stimulated on the surface and therefore do not require deep insertion. The needles are then left in place for some time. During the insertion or after the removal of the needles, we may add other treatment modalities.

  • Does acupunture hurt?

    The insertion of the acupuncture needles gives a sensation similar to a mosquito bite; it lasts only a fraction of a second and leaves no marks. Once the needles are in place, the patient usually feels a sense of well-being and relaxation..
  • What conditions can be treated with acupuncture?

    It has been clearly established that for these eight conditions, acupuncture can be recommended and integrated into treatment plans: 
    • Allergies: seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis
    • Headaches: chronic tension headache or chronic episodic headache
    • Migraines: prevention of attacks
    • Chronic back pain
    • Post-operative pain
    • Postoperative nausea and vomiting
    • Nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy (with antiemetics) 
    • Osteoarthritis of the knee
      In the same vein, acupuncture has also been scientifically proven to have a positive effect on 38 other conditions. These include various pains, asthma, stroke, hypertension, insomnia, gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation or irritable bowel syndrome, dry eye or post-traumatic stress disorder. For a complete list, visit Acupuncture Quebec (lien URL :
  • What other means of stimulation can be used in acupuncture?

    To accomplish the same goals, the acupuncturist may also use other treatment modalities besides needles such as heat (moxibustion, heat lamp), pressure (cupping, tuina massage, acupressure, ball-pressure), electricity (electro-acupuncture) and light beam (soft laser).

Interesting facts :

  1. In addition to relieving pain and increasing blood circulation, acupuncture has multiple mechanisms of action. It triggers the release of energy and stimulates the production of endorphins and increases the production of neurotransmitters. Acupuncture helps reduce inflammation and affects the central nervous system, muscles and organs, neuromuscular conditions, the expression of certain genes, and the immune system.

  2. In Quebec, we only use single-use needles.

  3. Did you know that auriculopuncture (treatment on the ear) is used all over the world to help manage trauma?

  4.  Recent studies show that acupuncture can be recommended for the treatment of sports injuries such as sprains, strains, pain in the neck, shoulder, wrist, knee, etc.

  5. Acupuncture is reimbursed by the CNESST, the SAAQ and the Veterans Affairs when prescribed by a physician.

Our professionnals

  • Sylvia Mack
    Sylvia Mack
  • Catherine Besse
    Catherine Besse
Sylvia Mack

Sylvia Mack

Expertises : Acupuncture
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Ever since Sylvia graduated in acupuncture from College Rosemont in 2016, she has been passionate about this millennial medicine. During her internship in the treatment of addictions at the Centre de réadaptation en dépendance de Montréal (CRDM), she developed a keen interest in the treatment of emotional disorders and trauma which she is constantly deepening through continuous education classes (notably with Dr. Gabor Maté, Lonny Jarret, Acupuncturists Without Borders and NADA). Sylvia welcomes her patients with empathy and remains in the room throughout the treatment.

Right after graduation, she managed her own acupuncture clinic in Lac-Mégantic. In 2018, she moved her professional activities to the West-Island where she practiced at different locations. Since she joined the clinic in Vaudreuil in 2019, she continues to improve her skills in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems, chronic pain and sports acupuncture, including the Synergy method with Valerie Truong. She is also trained to treat pregnant women.

Sylvia loves the outdoors, whether it be hiking, biking, swimming or gardening. For her mental and physical balance, she likes to meditate, practices Tai Chi and Yoga, but when she needs to unwind, she likes to play Beat Saber.
Catherine Besse

Catherine Besse

Expertises : Acupuncture
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After a career in massage therapy, Catherine felt particularly fulfilled to dive deeper into the field of health, obtaining a diploma in acupuncture in 2002.

During her advanced studies, two courses had a major impact on her profession. These were the Japanese acupuncture of Kiiko Matsumoto and that of Dr Tan. The distinctive thing about these two techniques is that they require a great deal of palpation to find the points that will have an immediate effect on the area to be relaxed. The dexterity and sensitivity developed during her massage therapy practice are an asset when it comes to applying these techniques.

Her passion for health doesn’t stop there. She knows very well that to enjoy life to its fullest, health at every level is essential. That’s why she’s always been interested in nutrition, naturopathy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, psychology, supramentalism, meditation, yoga, contact with nature and so on. In short, anything that helps us get closer to ourselves and take a conscious look at life!

*Appointments with Catherine available in French only.