The team
Warm and caring, our therapists are here to listen, support and accompany you throughout your progress and development. Our experienced and professional therapists will take charge of you and make your efforts and aspirations come alive.
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Aditi KapoorFounder & Physiotherapist
Amanda GrahamOsteopath
Andrea DewarPhysiotherapist
Angela McLarenPhysiotherapist
Annie BourbonnaisOsteopath
Ashley HumOccupational Therapist
Audrey MathieuPhysiotherapy technician
Camille Pharand TourillonOsteopath
Catherine BesseAcupuncturist
Célia SutterPhysiotherapist
Christine St-DenisPhysiotherapy technician
Danny Guignard-LaurencelleMassage Therapist
Dre Sonia MarconeNeuropsychologist
Éliane BussièresOsteopath
Evgeni NedelchevSocial worker
Francis RolkoPhysiotherapist
François FleuryExecutive assistant
Gina Lo VascoPhysiotherapist
Ginette GroulxAssistant Therapist
Guylaine MajorPsychoeducator
Hélène EssiembrePsychologist
Jessika LauzièreMarketing Manager
Johanie DubéPhysiotherapist
Justina AndersonOccupational Therapist
Kajal PatelPhysiotherapist
Kyara WatkinsMassage Therapist
Laura X. SerranoKinesiologist and massage therapist
Laurie Désilets-TrudeauCertified Athletic Therapist
M’Barka “Mimi” DaakouriMassage Therapist
Marie-Andrée DufourPhysiotherapist
Mary Jackie ShanmugamOccupational Therapist
Maxime BesnerFounder & Physiotherapist
Maxime RoyHypnotherapist
Mélanie LévesquePhysiotherapy technician
Mélanie RaymondSocial Worker, Psychotherapist
Mélodie LangloisPhysiotherapy technician
Muriel MouneyracOsteopath
Nadia RossReceptionist
Nathalie LefebvreSocial Worker
Nathalie MontpellierReceptionist
Olivier AdamsPhysiotherapist
Sherry OwenPilates Instructor
Sophie LambertMassage Therapist
Sylvia MackAcupuncturist
Sylvie TardifAssistant Therapist
Véronique BeaumierExecutive assistant
Véronique BélangerReceptionist
The well-being of our employees is at the heart of our corporate values. Be part of an inclusive team with integrity that allows you to excel. Our passion is matched by a sincere investment of our thoughts and actions.